How to Afforai Review: the AI tool every researcher needs!

Auto Citations, References

How to Afforai use

Afforai Review Auto Citations, References

I will do updated review on F it is back on absum more as a lifetime deal so I will show you what was improved in this tool and I will share my thoughts is it still worth getting because 7 months ago I did review and tutorial videos on this tool and let’s see what has changed since then well just a recap what is f it is your research assistant and straight away I see.

Introduction to How to Afforai

They changed their positioning so from the beginning they positioned themselves as a research tool not just an AI helper tool that talks to
your document however now they straight away show themselves as competitors to other research tools I see they improve the user interface made that research Centric and basically now they provide several different main features F reference manager so you can organize your reference materials there is f FR notebook where you can work on a particular research paper take some notes there is a helper tool that will help you to generate citations in a format that you need so they put a heavy focus on a research side for example.

We open citation Styles or which is referenced from if we can see it is a opensource citation style language which should be popular among researchers so if you’re a researcher you work as a researcher I don’t know maybe your hobby is a research or you study so F will make your life easier we can see you can annotate your files you can collaborate on your papers with your peers another interesting feature that you can import your research papers using different formats for example DOI and what is DOI it is a format to
reference a particular paper.

2. Key Features and Functionalities

Data Analysis and Visualization:Which is popular among researchers I’ll show you an example how you can use that later and of course you can talk to your uploaded and reference documents using different AI models and they provide different modes you can talk to only uploaded documents you can complement your queries with 200 million peute papers I don’t know this s s of that but I suppose it comes from something similar to Google Scholar and you can complement your answers with Google and your research will be complemented with.

Research Management:The sources with cited sources and we can see in the result the index of citation so that is great and what I like as well about f is that you can use use your own key I will show you that in a moment as well so you can use virtually any AI model that you like and as they position themselves as competitor to zota they implemented the import from sotera and sotera is your personal research assistant okay so let’s briefly take a look at the F so first you organize your research into Library here I have uploaded few
documents few research papers about caffeine and its connection to dopamine release then we need go to a research assistant choose a library and here we can ask different questions and down below we can see we can choose different models and you can use your custom model.

3. User Experience and Interface

We we connect open router so here you can use different models there are a lot models to choose from you can find anything you like here here we can see several different modes and first let’s use no tool at all we can ask something like the
describe the connection between caffeine and dopamine release and if we hit send without any tool I believe you will get General large language model understanding of the topic in this case from CH GPT then we can select document retrieval it means that if we ask the same question will work with.

Ease of Use:The uploaded documents in this case with these two let’s ask the question one more time so we can see the answer being generated and this time we can see cited sources here it is the papers that were used and that I have
connected we can click here can see the source we can click here and actually we can view the paper here to the left and another powerful feature is we can connect to Google search and semantic score so let’s ask the same question one more time and here we are getting the results of your research with citing different sources here are the sources which were used in this particular query for your research and we can see the numbers of references for that particular paper and the number of citations for that paper
so you can use in your research top research papers so we can see the source of a particular paper well actually where we can find that particular paper so this feature was not available previously seven months ago so now it is a fullblown research helper what else do we have here we can view upload it and connect files and we can connect more files we need to go to library and load a file and here we have different options you can upload file manually by URL and let’s check this one upload DOI so here you can provide research
Integration with Research Platforms:paper identificator or ID number and let’s use DOI for example you can find a particular paper like this one or this one and let’s copy this URL it is your DOI ID so you can paste it here it will try to find a PDF file will show if this ID is valid and you can upload it from here right away but I have already uploaded this what else do we have here so there is f notebook where you can annotate your papers you can highlight different parts of your research paper in different colors you can highlight the area.
Then you can see the notes to the right so you can jump from the notes to actual documents and vice versa if we go back to to the library you can click on the menu here and generate the citation if you’re working on an new research paper for your work or study you can generate a citation and you can generate that in different styles is really convenient well moving to the conclusion I think fi matured a lot since my previous review previously it was more like your AI companion where you can upload your files and in a convenient way you were

able to talk to your files using Ai and now it is a fully blown research helper you can upload documents using ID formats popular in research Community you can generate citations it will make your life easier as a researcher and what I like probably the most about right is the strong team which constantly pushes this tool forward and just an example here is another recent update from the founder of the tool just summarizing the features and one more time to reiterate to what afai is it has different parts you can use it as a
reference manager organizing your research work it is your a research assistant which can complement your search with uploaded documents with 200 million papers and with Google search results you can work with f as a notebook where you can annotate your search papers again I think it is a great tool if research is your work if you need to do a research for a study or your just a hobbyist and would like to resarch a particular.

Do hours of Research Literature review in minutes using this New AI tool: Auto Citations, References

Auto Citations, References

Literature review before watching this video you’re about to waste time yet you can get citations articles and even read articles very fast while understanding everything like a genius with this AI tool I have used this free AI tool on all my dissertations and got the best results it is a research tool on steroids and everyone doing research uses it at every step to produce quality results it can look for papers for you to do your literature search in minutes summarize for you interpret your results
and help you paraphrase to avoid plagiarism detectors and all.

4. Pricing and Plans

Cost Structure:This is for free I’m going to show you how this tool will Skyrocket your literature search and turn your research time into a whole enjoyable experience you can even ask it to get citations automatically write for you literature review and even summarize for you papers from all your sources but also suggest for you free papers from all over the Internet the most important thing is that all all this is for free yes I have said it it is for free let us
get straight into it go to Google and search for sspace Chrome extension then click on this one that says sspace do hours of research in minutes it will open in Chrome web store you can see it has over 200,000 downloads and all these wonderful reviews on it we are now going to install it click add to Chrome to install the extension then follow the on screen prompts as in the video to add it to your extensions proceed to pin it to your shortcuts now the first time you’re using this you will be required to
freely sign up.

Value for Money:This is so easy just choose sign up with Google and then follow the onscreen prompts if you face any challenges you can contact me in the comment section if you have an account you will be directly signed in and then the fun begins open your chat GPT and type the following command we want to test how best we can use chat GPT and this tool to fasten our literature review process now type the following command into chat GPT I want to do research in Quantum Computing for my masters in CS give me one best title
chat GPT is going to generate a title for you you can use any of the research area you want to focus on too now highlight this title and see the magic this button of siace pops up and from here A Whole New World of your research Journey starts you can do so much much with sspace let us ask it to explain this title.

5. Pros and Cons

When you do this another tab opens as you can see detailed points explaining our research topic are laid out you can even ask follow-up questions as if you’re discussing with a human let us highlight again and see what else we
When you do this another tab opens as you can see detailed points explaining our research topic are laid out you can even ask follow-up questions as if you’re discussing with a human let us highlight again and see what else we
Advantages:can do now click on related papers here we are going to have so many articles or papers on the same topic brought to us you can even save these articles into your library in the in the next video I will show you how we can gather up so many articles about our literature from sources like zoto and others and aggregate them into this tool which is so easy and smooth now these articles you can even open the links and read further about them or even ask questions using sspace tools let us click on one and see what we can do about.

Limitations:can do now click on related papers here we are going to have so many articles or papers on the same topic brought to us you can even save these articles into your library in the in the next video I will show you how we can gather up so many articles about our literature from sources like zoto and others and aggregate them into this tool which is so easy and smooth now these articles you can even open the links and read further about them or even ask questions using sspace tools let us click on one and see what we can do about.

articles and also see how fast we can read them and understand them the question you are going to ask yourself is why you need a co-pilot to read articles why not do it manually yes this is like a discussion friend who will tell you the most important points in the Articles explain to you the hard questions and terms in the Articles it can even help you as follow-up questions and even find more literature if you need more reading it can help you summarize the important points and even help you in generating the
citations so yes you need a co-pilot to make it easy easy and quick for yourself as we are going to see now clicking on these articles opens into the general sspace dashboard and shows you the detailed article you see we have here the summary of the article you can read the summary first and see if the article is worth spending your time on or not you can check all these out about the paper results methods used even summarize the paper this is done automatically for you by the AI let us check the conclusions from.

6. Comparative Analysis with Other Tools

How to Afforai vs Competitors:

This paper as
you can see the AI quickly gives you conclusions about the paper you can continue testing out the rest of the actions about the paper you can do so much on this paper and understand it deeper you can also open the references used in this paper as you can see we have a number of these references all these can be downloaded and added to your library let us go back to the tab as you can see the tab has a section for literature review as well in this all you need to do is enter your research topic and literature review will be

generated for you let us again use our chat GP generated title copy it and paste into the literature review tab then enter what happens is that the AI is going to go through your topic and look for the most relevant papers on your topic summarize the top five articles and give you a quick summary but also give you the links to these latest articles as you see here you can even change the language of the Articles and the AI will give you results in your preferred language you have have all these options you can filter by year if
you want latest articles or old ones you can choose any filter that you want you can even search more papers by just clicking show more papers as you can see more papers have been generated for us.

The AI orders these papers in the order of decreasing importance for you such that it saves you time or organizing them here you have columns related to every article from results column literature survey contributions and many more you can remove a column or add more column about the papers as you can see all these are the columns we can add let
us add contributions column and as you can see it gets added you can add more columns as many as you want these columns are relevant for you to further make conclusions and understand your research papers better you can save all these articles into your library and later use them when referencing let us open one of the papers and read it in details when you click it it will open in a new tab and load the article for you let us now read the summary about this paper when you click go to paper you can see.

The details of the paper you
can also click on full text and this will download the entire paper on your computer here you can read it further This research AI is so Advanced let us proceed to explore it as you can see when you go to the tab here you can choose a language in which your articles should be explained to you they have over 100 languages for you to choose from you can choose Chinese and the Articles will be explained in Chinese you can choose any language of your choice and your articles will be explained in that language including.

follow-up questions let us now test more features of this AI tool go to Google search and search using your research topic I’m going to search paper on Quantum Computing we get a lot of results from different common sources when you highlight one of the search results still the sspace button will load and you can proceed to ask questions and also understand the section you can see we have an option to see related papers let us assume you have found a paper that is interesting in the search results you can see more
related papers you can also choose to chat with.

The paper let us open the paper here highlights the introduction as you can see immediately the AI loads all these options for you you can save this highlighted section in your notes for further reference you can check key takeaways summarize it limitations points to discuss and many more when you go through all these you will have understood this article in and out let us click save as you can see our save tab appears and we can save this into one of our categories let us click on
summarize as you can see.

The article is summarized for us already you don’t get to waste a lot of time reading but yet understand everything about the article let us now go back to the dashboard to explore more features of this tool we have tried out literature review you can also use it for extracting data from PDFs as you can see this loads a section for you to upload your PDFs you can also upload an entire folder with your PDF articles and start working with them you can further use this tool to paraphrase
articles this means the tool will help you filter out plagiarism and make your article or literature review appear original let us copy a sample paragraph into this paraphrasing tool and see how it works works you can choose the tone on writing from academic fluent Etc I always prefer academic now when you click paraphrase your paraphrased article will be generated as you can see you can further edit it or add more text you can even select sections and rephrase them.

This tool will also show you how much of your content is AI
generated you can rephrase that content to appear more humanik with this even if your content is AI generated no one will ever know and also it will be free from plagiarism you can keep rephrasing all the content highlighted yellow until all your article reads mostly human generated other features we saw what literature generator can do you can use it to generate and read a huge number of articles in a very short time we also have citation generator this one I will show you how to use it in my next video you have a library here.

This has all
your articles you have been saving while using this tool you can also import articles from zoto I will show you how to do this in my next videos you can also upload articles if you have them on your computer these will be used to reference and in generating citations I will show you how to use all these in my next video this has been an introduction to how to use this tool in doing research in my next video I’m going to show you how to use this tool when doing research in a practical sense as a continuation of our blog series of

doing research in a very short time using AI kindly.

Auto Citations, References

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