How to write a literature review | with AI tools 🔥

How to write a literature review | with AI tools 🔥

literature review | with AI

I know why you’re watching this video you’re probably working on a research paper or an assignment and now you’ve come to the part where You’ have to write your literature review and you’re wondering what is a literature review how do I go about writing one how many papers will I have to read is there an AI tool that can help make my job easier well for all these things you should definitely check this [Music] video hi everyone I am Niha agal I’m the founder ofis of communications and in
this blog we are going to talk all about writing a literature review I’m also going to share with you a very special AI tool that is going to make your literature search super easy so without further delay let’s get started first let’s understand what is a literature review so if we break this down literature here means the writing or the work of others and review means analysis so in simple terms literature review means the analysis of the writing or work that has been carried out by others now this literature review can be
a part of a bigger document for example a research paper or it can be an independent document itself for example a college assignment to write a literature review on a particular topic now it’s part of a research paper then this section appears usually after the introduction ction section and before the research methodology section so now how do we go about writing a literature review so literature review can actually be split into three distinct sections which is the introduction the body and the conclusion as part of the introduction
section you would first introduce the topic as to why is even the topic worth reviewing if your literature review is part of a bigger research paper then in that case you can also share the research Gap or the problem statement of your work then you will go on to Define some of the key terms or share certain important Concepts that will be highlighted in your review once you’ve done that you can give an overview of the topics that will be covered in your review or basically what information are you going to share in your review you
can just give an overview of that then you can share how your review has been organized or basically what are the different categories of topics that you will be reviewing or how is the information me categorized into different topics then you can share the scope of your literature review so basically what are the class of research papers that you are going to review or not review what is the reason behind that so what you will do is you will set the boundary of your literature review and all of these things together form

How to write a superb literature review

the introduction section of of your literature review next comes the body of your literature review and this is the most important section of your review because this is where you’re going to share the work that has been carried out by others but before we get into that I’m going to share with you this amazing AI tool that is going to make your literature search super easy and that is our Discovery our Discovery acts like your companion in this literature search process it provides you with personalized recommendation ions from
your area of research so that you don’t miss out on important articles and that too in social media style so that it is easy for you to consume in fact based on your search it also shows you similar papers ensuring that you are able to do a thorough literature survey once you open a research paper to enhance your reading experience it provides you with summaries audio reading of titles and abstracts and also converts or translates the text into your own language now to organize all your research papers it allows you to
segregate them in different categories by bookmarking them into different reading lists you can also share your literature survey very easily with other people in fact even on social media like LinkedIn and Twitter and most importantly it allows you to export your literature to a reference management software like zoto or mlay making your research paper writing such a breeze so overall I think this is such a fantastic tool for all your literature survey needs now if you think it won’t show as many search results don’t worry because
our Discovery has a huge database of Articles including 115 million plus research papers 40 million plus Open Access articles 32,000 plus journals and tie ups with some of the biggest publishing houses to ensure that you get the best content at your fingertips in fact the best part I like about this is that our Discovery is easily accessible through the web or the app on your phone so you should definitely check it out I’ve put the link in the description for you now before you start writing it’s important to think about how are you
going to organize this section first is chronological order and this is the simplest approach because here you share how the development of the topic has taken place over time this also gives a very good understanding to your audience as to how that field has evolved over time and what is the current stage of research in that field but one thing that you need to note here is don’t just list down all the literature one by one but instead focus on the turning points the patterns that have actually shaped the direction of that field and this is
going to add more value to your or literature review the second approach that I’ve seen being most commonly used is methodological a lot of the times you might be writing a review on a topic where different sources have used different methodologies so in that case you can also review the results and conclusion of the methodologies that are followed by the different sources for example qualitative versus quantitative or theoretical versus experimental and then give your comparative analysis about it the other two approaches are
thematic and theoretical you can use the Thematic approach when your research topic has different themes to it for example if I’m writing a review on solar cells then different themes could be materials used to make solar cells or applications of solar cells and finally the last one is theoretical so say for example your research has different theoretical Frameworks or models involved in it then you can do a contrast and comparison of these various Frameworks various models or you can also summarize all this information and
share that in your study now that you know how to organize the body of your literature review the next thing is to understand how to write this body now one very important thing you need to remember here is that simply stating what other people have done and just citing the literature is not enough you need to share the analysis of what other people have done and you need to share your own point of view so instead of Simply paraphrasing the literature this is what you should be doing first summarize and synthesize try to groupsimilar literature together and then share the main points of each Source second analyze and interpret try to share your interpretation wherever possible and then also discuss the significance of the findings of these different research papers when it comes to your own topic of literature review and finally critically evaluate share the trend and weaknesses of the different sources of the different research papers to give a complete evaluation in your literature review in fact in this way you will be able to
analyze the work of others and go to a deeper level of understanding about their research rather than simply stating their findings now this is something that differentiates a good literature review from a not so good one now the final section is the conclusion if your literature review is an independent study then very similar to a research paper you will first reiterate what was the purpose of taking up this review and what were some of the important research questions that you were trying to answer then you should
share what were the findings that you came across after doing an extensive literature survey like this then you should draw conclusions from your study for example how can this research field be taken forward or what are the various applications that can be explored in this field of course this will vary from topic to topic but the idea here is to share the conclusions or significance of your research study and what does it mean for your audience but if your literature review is part of a research paper then the important thing to share
is that after an extensive literature survey what is the plan of action that you have arrived at which will help in overcoming that research gap or the problem statement which forms the object Ive of your study and then you can close this section by sharing the significance of the study and how do you plan to make an impact and now to answer the most common question that all of you ask me is how many papers should I read for my literature review well the answer is it varies for example if you’re writing a
literature review for a college assignment sometimes the university will ask you to only review three to four papers if you’re writing a literature review for a research article sometimes you might need to site at least 30 to 40 papers or if your literature review is actually part of a review paper that you’re writing then sometimes the number goes up to 70 to 100 papers or even more but this number is very subjective because it varies from topic to topic and the kind of literature review that you’re working on now to make this
entire process easy for you I have actually listed down a lot of AI Tools in my past two videos which you can check out and of course along with that don’t forget to use our Discovery.

Write research paper using AI tools

literature review | with AI

We all want to write our research papers faster and more effectively we also know that AI tools can really help us in this process but we have no idea which AI tools should we use how to incorporate them while writing our research papers and how to ensure that the quality of our research work is maintained well let’s find out hi everyone I am Nial I’m the founder of visa and on this channel I make videos on studying abroad Jo Readiness research Mastery and communication skills essentially all those areas where you
need to become wiser to succeed in your career so if any of these topics are relevant to you you can subscribe to this Channel and now let’s learn how to write a research paper with the help of AI tools so the first thing you should do when writing a research paper is to make sure that all your notes are in one place and for that you can use hypernotes hypernotes is a great platform for note taking and you can start using it during your literature survey process only whenever you come across a new paper try to make notes and
save it in hypernotes so that later on when you sit down to write your research paper you can refer to all these notes which is going to be really helpful for you so if you see here I’ve created an introduction folder in hypernotes and all the papers that I want to site in my research work are all neatly parked here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go through these papers once more quick quickly brush through it so that I know what needs to go in the introduction section before I start writing it now
that I know how to write the introduction section of my research paper I’m going to use the help of another AI tool which is paper pal with the help of paper pal I will be able to improve the language of my research paper and make it more academic as well as professional other than that paper pal has so many features which is going to help me write a research paper faster and more effectively so first here if you see I’ve already Incorporated certain paragraphs that I would like to write in my introduction section but
here these few lines I have taken them directly from another research paper and ideally I should paraphrase it in order to avoid plagiarism so for this I am going to use the paraphrase feature of paper pal so all I need to do is click on rewrite and then choose paraphrase and paper pal will help me write it in a different way than what has been communicated in the original research paper so that I don’t commit plagiarism so there you go these lines are now paraphrased and they look so much better also here I have few lines which I’ve
written in a very casual tone it doesn’t look very academic so again I’m going to use another feature of paper pal which is make academic and with the help of this I will be able to convert this casual conversational English into a more academic tone so now if you see this is looking much much more academic and professional now I’m overall happy with my paragraphs but I feel to further strengthen my introduction section I should be adding a few more citations and for this I’m going to use the newly
launched feature of paper pal which is research basically what I’m going to do here is under the search section I’m going to type my topic name on which I want to find a few more papers for example here I’m going to type super hydrophobic antibacterial fabric FACS and there you go so many papers are now popping up so what I can do here as I can look at the abstract I can see if these papers are relevant to me or not and then accordingly I can find the citations of these either I can go to the journal website or I can use the
help of my reference management tool and then I can easily site these papers in my introduction section as well so with the help of this particular feature you can very easily find the research papers that that you would need now that I’m done with the majority of my introduction section I’m also going to generate the title of my paper with the help of paper pal so here I’m going to select my entire introduction section and then I’m going to go to templates and go for title and here I’m going to
click on generate and there if you see paper pal has generated a very attractive and concise title for us now if I want I can change a few words based on my liking and then I’m good to go so if you want to explore all these different features of paper pal then I’ve put it in the description for you to check now for the graphics and the visual aspects of your research paper you can use multiple AI tools to help you for scientific diagrams I would still recommend the good old canva just because of the sheer ease of using the
platform otherwise another platform that you can explore is inkscape with the help of in scape you can design scientific figures drawings graphs diagrams everything that you need for your research paper the only drawback is that it is a learning curve and so you might have to spend some time learning the platform before you’re able to design these things however there are multiple tutorial videos that are available on YouTube using which you can easily utilize this platform now for creating charts and graphs I would
recommend matte plot lip using which you can create multiple plot types including 3D and volumetric data and finally for creating flowcharts process Maps data flows Etc you can either use Lucid charts or Microsoft Vio to help you with the same now while you’re writing a research paper it makes sense to use a reference management software parall so that you can site and refer information at the same time now there are multiple reference management softwares that are available online but my personal recommendation would be to go for either
mlay zoto or OTE mlay and zoto are free of cost so you can start using it immediately otherwise OTE is mostly used by academic institutions however it is paid so here all you need to do is upload your literature onto the platform and then choose the citation style that you wouldd like to go for and then whenever you’re writing a research paper all you need to do is choose the paper from the reference management software that you would like to site and immediately a citation mark would appear there and then at the bottom of your
paper you will see a reference section is created with the details of your paper neatly listed now say for example you’ve completed the citation and references of your entire paper and then suddenly you realize that there were two or three citations that you forgot to include but with the help of reference management software you can easily include them in the middle as well and then you will see that automatically both the citations and the references are renumbered so this is the benefit of using a reference management software as
it saves you so much of money effort now once you’re done writing your entire research paper including Graphics citations references you should get your paper checked for accidental plagiarism and for this you can again use paper pal it makes sense to use one single platform for all your research writing purposes so all you need to do here is upload your paper onto the platform and a plagarism report will be generated for you now how to interpret this plagiarism report correct your docu document and eliminate all the similarities
highlighted in the report you can check out my previous video where I’ve explained all these things in much more detail now if you wish to learn how to write a research paper in detail then you can join me for my course on a toz of research writing and presentation in this course I cover from scratch right from how to choose a research topic to how to write each and every section of a research paper share many more AI tools that you can utilize for your research process and finally how to choose the best journals for publication I share
all this information in a structured approach.

literature review | with AI

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