Jenni AI vs PaperPal: Best AI Tools for Academic Writing in 2024

Jenni AI vs PaperPal:

Jenni AI

So the AI battle for our research Souls has started in Earnest and unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably seen a lot of AI tools that promise you to get rid of all your.

Jenni AI vs PaperPal: Best AI Tools for Academic Writing in 2024

The literature and so on so in this video I want to review two very popular tools jenni Ai and paper P these are both Fantastic Tools if you want to write your text using Ai and I’m also going to show you in this video how to use both of them ethically so that you actually
avoid list which is very important because with both tools you do risk being caught by turn it in or other software and your text being flagged as AI created or as plagiarism so we’re going to compare it’s going to be a side by side comparison um which of these two tools is better and which of them is better for you because they are both different they have different features and they’re going to work better for different people and different purposes so let’s Dive Right In let’s get.

1. Overview of Jenni AI

Jenni AI Features Started if you’re new here my name is m koi and I run academic English now where we help PhD students and researchers write and publish research papers in top journals in the field so we’re going to be comparing payer pall and Jenny AI um they’re very similar and both very good writing tools so you might have been wondering which of them is better which of them you know really helps me to write academically and avoid plagiarism at the same time because that’s a big concern both of them make a big promise
that they they are basically the future of academic writing and that they can supercharge your writing so in this video I want to dive a little bit deeper and see how true those claims are now mind you this is not going to be a full in-depth review of each of those tools I’ve got other videos on each of them where I go into much more depth about all the features but I want to more compare what each tool offers so that you can choose the best tool for you okay so um let’s Dive Right In and let’s start with um Jenny so you need to
create your free account Jenny is free to start.

Jenni AI vs PaperPal: Best AI Tools for Academic Writing in …

There’s obviously a paid plan as well but if you want to get started for free I put um um a link right below this um blog and that you can click on it will take you to Jenny and if you want to get the paid plans um you can use the coupon code Mar 20 and it will give you a 20% off um on all Jenny AI plans as well just for new users that’s important so Jenny is a fully online tool which means like you you can’t use it with your traditional text editors like Microsoft Word or
maybe you know Google Docs or um whatever those kind of tools you can only use it online on Jenny’s um library right on Jenny’s website sorry now PayPal um it’s also free to start and it’s got um paid plans and um I’ll put the link um below and the coupon code to um PayPal if you use that um link that referral link you’re going to get $10 off on PayPal as well which is a pretty good deal so. If you log in what I what I wanted to mention is that PayPal you can use it both online right.

2. Overview of PaperPal

Create a
web document or you can install an ms word add it right let me show you how that works in word once you’ve installed it you’ll be able to open paperphile um here and it will open in a nice new window so I think you know side by side comparison number one I think a huge advantage of PayPal is that it works with Microsoft Word and Jenny only work um online you can export text at the end to word for example or to latex or whatever other software you’re working with but I think just right off the bat a huge Advantage for me.

3. Features and Capabilities Comparison

My traditional software use Zorro for example for referencing as I’ve always been you might already have text that you’ve written in Microsoft Word so you can just you know plug in PaperPal and continue using um word which I think is a huge Advantage right so I think in here uh PayPal wins slightly now how do you start writing documents it’s pretty simple you just click on new document in here and you start with Jenny you start with a prompt right and the more detail The Prompt the better answer you’re
going to get right and it will create an outline um for you as well which I think is great okay uh so I’m not going to write out the prompt um right now.

Jenni AI
Jenni AI

4. User Experience and Interface

I already have um in here and it’s created this outline for me basically right which is is pretty accurate uh to what I want and it’s a great start I think you know a lot of us often just get stuck at the writing stage and we you know we kind of don’t know how to even um structure our text and what should be written so I think this can give you um this can speed up
the process because you avoid the blank page syndrome and you know you’ve got the major sections and then you can dive in and start writing on those sections so I think it helps you to overcome that first um so. I think you know points to Jenny um for this and being able to do that with PaperPal you can also um generate things so it’s got this feature called templates and it can generate outlines of different things for you so it can be a research article case report essay statement of purpose can also
generate abstract and stuff like this now I think the disadvantage of PayPal is that you can’t really generate for example literature review right it’s just limited to these things so if you’re writing Also let’s say you’re writing a thesis and you want to generate a chapter an outline of a chapter of your PhD thesis like.

The introduction chapter you can’t do it with um PaperPal it’s just limited to the outlines that they have here now on the flip side I think the advantage of this is that you don’t have to write a
really good prompt right and that can sometimes be difficult because Jenny will the output that Jenny gives you and the outline that that she gives you will only be as good as the prompt that you’ve given it right but if you don’t know how to write that prompt then you’re going to get worse output right so let’s say if I was to um select a research article in here okay I can select which section which is which is really nice right uh cuz you will be focusing on specific sections right so we can select the introduction
now a great thing about it I think is that it tries to tailor it to specific fields of study now at the same time this is a big disadvantage why because it’s just limited to physical sciences life sciences and Medicine well what about if you’re in social sciences broadly speaking what about if in you’re in Humanities and arts right so it’s very limited in terms of you know kind of which fields of study um are allowed um in here here which I think is you know for me for example I’m in social

sciences I’m in education I wouldn’t really be able to do it well I can still generate an outline but it won’t be as accurate for me so I think people at PayPal if you’re listening to it please add other fields of study not everybody is in physical medical sciences and and Life Sciences right and then obviously you need to describe your study um a little bit so you probably want to give it a name what’s the purpose of the study and and so on right uh so you describe it here and then you would
click on generate so in here I would say my personal preference Jenny wins here um a little bit not by much but it does win because it does have more versatility you can just basically generate any sort of outline you wish for the text not just limited to let’s say a section of a research paper and not just limited to certain Fields like it is with paper P so um what what else um Can generate I and PaperPal do um I’ll talk about a big difference which with jenni AI is referencing and that’s I think a great feature of J so you can
see I’ve inserted some references um in here the way you do that is you basically uh type um at okay so.

I’m just going to delete this reference and I’m going to type at and what Jenny is going to do is use the the available academic databases to search for articles with these keywords so you can see that it already knows what keywords to use based on the sentence that you’ve written right you could obviously type in other keywords if you wanted to if you think those aren’t accurate and then you can
scroll through these articles and you know view them in a new tab so that you can actually read that article and check if the reference is correct or if you already know that article you’ve read it you know that it will be a good fit for this then you just click on ADD citation and it will add that citation here which I think is a fabulous fabulous tools because like how often have you caught yourself just like writing a text and you kind of go like well.

jenni AI vs PaperPal

he literature and so on so in this video I want to review two very popular tools jenni Ai and paper P these are both Fantastic Tools

What’s the reference here I know I’ve read it
somewhere but where and you can’t find it anymore because you’ve got like 150 texts right or maybe you know you know it’s kind of a a fact but you don’t have that reference in your in your reference management right so this is a fabulous tool like really great job and people at gen AI I think this is this is amazing right um it can you can also upload text to your library okay so it’s got this library in here uh where you can click on the plus sign um and upload um your own sources either either in the PDF um
format right um so if you click on upload sources um and you can select PDFs or you could import a bib text file from um Zorro where you would go to Zorro you would um select um which text you want to export you would right click and Export items as a bip text and then uh pop that into to um the library in Jenny.

Which I think is fantastic because what what this allows you to do really is to you know is to have everything in one place you know it’s not like writing in Microsoft Word where you’re writing
here but everything like your text are somewhere else you’ve got a reference manager and all that like Jenny is trying to combine that and I think it does a really good job so um points to Jenny here um I think it’s a clear winner uh PayPal cannot um do it but of course since it’s a word plugin you can just use end note or whatever other reference manager you’re doing so not not a big deal but payp does not have this um feature now um both of these um tools also have an AI chat so what this allows you to do is
it’s basically like an AI assistant so imagine like you just have a colleague sitting next to you 24/7 who you know has all the internet knowledge in their head and you can just ask them any questions and they spit out the answers in five seconds and most of those answers are accurate that’s that’s pretty cool right so that’s basically the AI assistant called ask Jenny that Jenny um has right and I think it’s you know it’s much more accurate than a lot of other AI assistants that I’ve seen um

especially for example something like um chat GPT which tends to just kind of like invent stuff and has what are called hallucinations and it invents references and all that kind of stuff um Jenny does not do that I think it’s pretty accurate obviously still as a researcher you have to use your own knowledge and your own skills to be able to validate whether these answers make sense or not but I think it’s a great tool to have um in here you can see I um I asked it a question questions right uh so for example you know you’re writing.

5. Pricing and Accessibility

The literature review and you’re like okay what in this section I’m talking about topic X well what are some areas within topic X that researchers have already studied right you can ask that question to Jenny and Jenny will give you a great answer right and since I know the topic I know these references they actually exist uh and you know it’s a pretty accurate answer so you can then you know the great thing that you can do of course is you could take this pop it into your outline into a section so that
you have a more accurate outline right or you could click on those references in here to continue reading those texts further and again everything is kind of in one place which I really like so you’ve got the the text editor and at the same time you’re you know you can be chatting with um AI getting answers that you can use to continue writing your text you don’t have to go to another website like CH GPT for example now while PayPal you know does have the same um feature um it’s called brainstorm it’s much more limited right.

I’ve I’ve tested it several times and you know while it does on general questions so like I think it’s it’s more it’s better for like asking general advice like how should I approach my professor to propose a research idea those kind of things right um when it comes to actual like literature review output for example it performs much worse than Jenny AI in in my tests it certainly doesn’t give you accurate references it doesn’t give you any references for that matter.

When I try
to generate um an outline for a literature review on a certain topic of a literature review chapter it gave me a pretty bad answer so I don’t think it’s that good it’s it’s better perhaps for those as I said brainstorming general questions but nothing too in depth so again I think points for Jenny I think this works much better and really kudos for integrating references here and I think you know since it can read your PDFs in your library the more PDFs you upload to your library the better answers Jenny will actually give you so.

6. Pros and Cons for Academic Writing

I think you know this is clear clear winner here now um I’ll just kind of quickly go over a bunch of features that are pretty much the same in Jenny and PaperPal and these these have to do with kind of rewriting your text okay so if you’ve written a text and you select it right you can click on AI commands and there are a couple of features which are pretty much the same in jennyi Ai and PaperPal okay um so it’s improving the fluency of your writing paraphrasing simplifying a text making it longer
which I think is a is a great um little hack when you get stuck and maybe you’ve written a sentence or two but you don’t know how to expand it right Jenny Ai and paper P can help you with that they can translate summarize right an opposing argument and you’ll see um it’s pretty much um it’s very similar um in here so if you go to the rewrite you can paraphrase you can make it shorter you can make it more academic or you can also find synonyms of words so similar features but I think Jenny AI.

winner here it’s got a few more things uh I think that it allows you to do like make longer for example overall improve the fluency which um you know is an advantage over PayPal PaperPaluh paper does allow you to translate um as well um you would have to have text um in your um editor in here now I’m going to show you one feature where I think PayPal truly truly excels and is much better than Jenny Ai and then I show you at the end of this video another feature of Jenny AI where I think Jenny excels
but at the same time it’s probably the biggest problem um with Jenny AI as well so stick around until the end so um I’ve just opened a text um in here because for it to for PaperPal to really do its magic you already want to have some sort of a text um written okay uh now what is the the feature that I think really makes it stand out um in comparison to Jenny is you know it’s abil to scan the whole text and then suggest specific improvements for that particular text that you’ve been writing.

I think PayPal truly truly excels and is much better than Jenny Ai and then I show you at the end of

I think this
is fantastic if you already have text that you’ve you’ve generated right or um parts of uh text so you can see you know um there are 34 37 sentences just continuing to scan um texts right and it’s suggesting things under different headings right so I’ve got spelling um possessives and punctuations capitalization spelling the Terina error spelling right so it’s basically like PaperPal but on AI steroids and I think this is this is a huge Advantage for people most of us who have already written something and they want to get
it checked really quickly so to me paper Paul in this feature clear winner um if jenni AI could Implement something similar and especially with the word plug-in I think J A would be unbeatable are these are all these suggestions accurate No so you know if you’ve ever wondered can AI just completely replace like good old editing and working with professionals to help you to write an excellent thesis of papers no U because you know for example this suggestion here that it gives me that I B shouldn’t be capitalized.

That’s not accurate because

all content words are typically capitalized is it true that n shouldn’t be capitalized yes that’s true right uh so you still have to kind of review it um many of those suggestions will be correct but not all of them right so you still have to review it nevertheless I think this is a fantastic feature to scan your text and correct most of the sort of most obvious mistakes okay so great job paper paw um here now I told you that I would now show you a feature of jenni AI where I think jenni AI truly exist C but at the same time it’s

actually a big problem of gen AI what do I mean by that what you can see here ji suggested how I should continue writing this sentence and I can accept it right and then I can you know I can continue writing and Jenny will just suggest sentences to me which I think is is brilliant these sentences are actually pretty good they make sense the text actually flows pretty well so I think it’s a really cool feature and you know it’s a clear winner over PaperPal but at the same time this is very problematic because you’re using
AI to write a text for you now if you go to any good journals recommendations for AI use what you will find is that AI should be used to improve the readability of your text that means AI should be used in the same sense that proof reading services are used for example to improve your grammar uh to improve the flow of your text right the structure of paragraphs to correct any mistakes with language and so on but it can be used to generate text.

This is a great feature but at the same time I think it’s very problematic because if
you’re not careful you’re going to start generating lots of texts that are that come up as plagiarized or AI generat so I’d be very very careful with accepting um Jenny’s suggestions without rewriting them yourself especially that Jenny doesn’t have a plagiarism Checker it used to have a plagiarism Checker but they got rid of it right uh which makes the this feature particularly even more problematic so if you’re worried about you know the use of AI I think PayPal with just using it for you know for
scanning your text and correct correting your uh mistakes with the language or consistency is much safer this is not going to lead to plagiarism if you’re using Genny AI please make sure that you don’t just accept all the sentences that she gives you and treat them as your own.

They’re not your own they were generated by Jenny Ai and on that note one last feature that I think is really important and I kind of hinted on it plagiarism Checker unfortunately Jenny and I got rid of it PaperPal does
have a plagiarism checker it’s only available on the on the website um in here so it’s plagiarism check right you can also I think see it uh here if you go to checks and then you click on plagiarism Checker it will take you there and um it’s um you know limited depending on the plan that that you’ve got limited to 7,000 words so you might have to cut your text you know into shorter documents um it’s in part partnership with tet in which is a really good plagiarism detector used by most universities many journals and so
on so I think this is a great um feature to have it it’s a shame I think that Jenny AI uh took it out surely they could partner with turn it in as well and have that feature build in here when it’s sort of as you’re writing it in the editor um you know at the same time it shows you what might come up as plagiarism that would really help because I think this feature of Jenny AI suggesting sentences for you as much as I think it’s it’s scarily accurate and really good it might lead to a lot of
plagiarism if you’re not careful so that’s it that was a comparison between jenni Ai and PaperPal if you want to use any of the paid plans the links are in the description for jenni AI you can use M 20 at coupon code which is in the description as well to get 20% off and you know if you actually want to learn the skills of writing papers regularly and Publishing them in top journals and be able to do that yourself rather than rely on proof reading or AI then book a call with us uh we’re going to sit down.

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