Let’s write an essay with AI | without cheating or plagiarism

essay with AI

Let’s write an essay with AI

AI tools but actually using as minimal as possible so I know lots of you have asked me to give you concrete examples of how I would do this using a question an example question and actual text rather than kind of just skimming over the surface so in today’s video we are going to be doing exactly that um however I have really only picked out AI tools that I really think are useful and only where I think they are useful Beau F so in today’s video we are going to be
writing an essay in as short as as time span as possible but as best as possible using the tools that we have available but also using traditional resources so when you’re writing an essay there are a few different stages of it so the first stage is preparation and getting all the information together then you want to write the introduction the main body the conclusion and once you’ve done those three parts you then want to summarize and kind of just proof read edit and check over it so if you think about it
there are five different stages to writing an essay so let’s start off with stage number one which is the preparation stage so this stage is probably the most essential stage for building the foundation of your essay so this is the stage where you really determine what your topic is about You’ picked out the research articles you figured out an outline you figured out the discussion points you know what the most important aspects of your essay are this is where everything really matters so for this you want to conduct some

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thorough research where you’re just picking out research papers and you’re collecting and collating all the data and by the time you’ve done all of this at the end the aim is to have a thesis statement so the thesis statement is a statement that determines your position for the discussion it has created an argument and essentially guides the entire essay towards a direction that you’ll be discussing okay and for this first part I’d recommend that you use traditional tools like PubMed Google
Scholar your simply searching for the key terms and the key words for your essay so let’s say your essay I’m going to be using an essay about neuroplasticity so let’s say your essay is about neuroplasticity you might want to search for neural brain Behavior different Search terms based on what it is that you are discussing but what you can do to make the process a little bit easier for you is using the AI tool called site so let’s take a look at how I would do this and this is kind of the first stage so what I’ve said here is
I’ve said give me an outline for an essay about neuroplasticity um and I’ve given it a title something like a complete review of IT mechanism significance and its implication for human life so let’s see what it gives the reason why I really like site over something like chat GPT is because the references are actually true references you can refer back to them and read into it in more depth whereas in chat PT you don’t get references and it isn’t really academically legitimate okay so as you
you can see here I’ve been given a bit of a summary um so it’s given information just to summarize it this essay aims to comprehensively review the mechanism significance and implications as I said and then it’s gone to a bit more detail for each of those topics and given me a reference for them one of the reasons that I like site as well because it gives you very recent references and I haven’t really seen this from any other platform where you’ve got references that are actually from.

essay with AI

So literally this year and everything’s quite recent as you can see 2022 2015 2020 20202 there as well so it’s all very recent which means that the information it’s providing you is very relevant and what you can do is you can say okay I think this is an interesting paper let me click into this and let me view the full text which you of course have to do and from there you’re able to log into the paper from your University access and you can go ahead and read it into more detail so we’re just starting
off from the first stage is just a matter of doing research we are not writing anything yet we’re just getting to the point where we’re gathering information and we’re Gathering as much as we can to do with the topic to give us a nice essay breakdown that we can use when it comes to writing so the next thing that I’ve done is I’ve then kind of broken it down even more so now I’ve done lots of reading I’ve gained all of the research papers that I want to kind of like save and I’ve saved them into my
my library I usually tend to use Mally or I’ll tend to use our Discovery for this where I’m just saving it into my library as I find paper so this is a continual process this will take you you know a month a few weeks a few days depends on how much time you dedicate to it but it’s just reading and preparing to actually write so the next thing that I’m going to do before I start writing is to generate an essay outline now you can do this on chat GPT as well I doesn’t you don’t have to use SES um but
one thing that I really like on site is that because it has used references and it has used actual literature it can give you a bit more of a scientific answer a bit more of an academic answer but like I said you can do on chat gbt um but just be aware not to copy and paste it so I’ve said to give me an essay outline for 1,000 words about neuroplasticity and this will give me an essay outline that I can then use to begin writing so I have the introduction so definition importance and overview of the essay structure I love that that
last sentence there is so key loads of students miss out but just overview of what’s to come in the essay then the mechanisms of neuroplasticity um so the structure the mo molecular mechanisms the insights from studies and then you’ve got research papers that you can refer to here which is a good place to begin from the significance of it again you’ve got the breakdown the link between inflammation childhood trauma this is very interesting again some research papers to to kind of start you off from
um implications future directions and a conclusion so remember in the conclusion you want to make sure you give some a call to action something to recap maybe a question so here it’s saying call for further research final remarks things like that so this is now a really good place to begin from so what I would do in at this point is I would copy and paste this uh outline to where I’m going to begin to write so you can really write anywhere you can write on Microsoft Word you can write on Google Docs and you can even write on another
AI platform like Jenny so it really is up to you where you go next but I really want to minimize how much AI I’m actually going to be using just to make sure that we are doing it as ethically and as you guys said show me how you would actually do it so this is how I would do it so what I’m going to do is I’m going to copy and paste this outline and I’m going to go over onto word so I’ve got the outline now so now I know what I want to kind of structure it as you don’t have to keep this outline you
can then decide side actually I don’t really want to include childhood trauma and depression I don’t really think it’s relevant or I don’t think I’ll be able to discuss it in as much depth and maybe I’ll get rid of that part so I think that’s maybe going to be like that uh again I don’t think I’ll be able to discuss this in that much depth so maybe I’ll get rid of that and you know you’re going back and forth you’re referring to the text that you read originally you’re
referring to the information that you read in the beginning and you’re kind of just going back and forth a little bit then you want to start to write so what I would tend to do is I would kind of just have this as a bit of a I’ll probably have kind of show it a different color and maybe have it a little bit smaller so it’s not in the way of what I actually want to start to write and then now I will begin to write so I might say neuroplasticity is and then I’ll get a definition for it so what I’ll do is i’
go to a research paper i’ search here what is the definition of neuroplasticity don’t forget that you have probably read a lot of a lot of papers already and you’ve gained lots of information so you can most likely kind of pull out and extract the information as you need but I’m just going to take an example here what is it um it is the brain’s remarkable ability to re to reorganize its structure function and its connections so I’m going to take that and obviously like we’re not copying and
pasting here we are simply just kind of putting it down here so we have a good overview of what it is that we are about to write and then we can modify as we go along so neurop describes the ability of the brain to let’s just say change yeah change the structure function uh and Connections in response to external or internal stimuli now this is just a quick one that I’ve written but you can see how different it is and I’m going to re-edit that again a bit later on so I’ll show you how we keep changing this and then I would add a
reference here of course now you want to keep on doing this all the way through so once I’ve kind of written my full introduction I’ve got that done the next thing I want to do is write the second part and again I’m just going to make it nice and small so it’s out of the way then I want to write the next part and I keep on building up my essay like that when you R to the introduction you need a really compelling hook you need to make sure that you’ve kind of reeled the reader in you want need to make sure
that you give background information so information that um is able to clarify what your topic is to your reader you want to give a preview with the main points and arguments of what is to come in the essay the next part is writing the body so as I showed you earlier the next kind of two or three um paragraphs are about the main body now in the main body what you want to include is a very kind of clean structure so the first thing is a topic sentence so the topic sentence is an overarching sentence that um introduces the paragraph introduces
the new idea and what’s to come and then you support it with evidence so the second part is evidence you want to give some evidence supporting your argument by making sure that you site properly then the next part is analyzing and explaining your point and the evidence that you’ve just given so not just stating the evidence but going into a bit more depth and here you can add some critique so here you’re able to actually get those higher grades by saying not just this is what the this is what the
author has said but this is also what the author could have meant in context to x y and Zed and then last but not least for every paragraph you want to have a transition so you’re kind of encouraging the flow of ideas you’ve given the point you’ve given an explanation you’ve given some evidence what’s the next Point you’re going to say connect it and have a transition sentence that allows you to join it onto the next paragraph and then last but not least is the conclusion so in the conclusion what you want to do is
restate the thesis statement what was it that you were discussing in the first place mention it again and mention a kind of overview of your whole discussion and then you also want to synthesize all the topics that you were speaking about all the discussion points and then have a closing remark and a call to action maybe future work or reflection something like that and then that’s the end of the essay okay and then number five so you’ve written all the different sections you now want to come to edit so editing is really
important up to this point you probably haven’t really checked your work and your spelling that much you’ve just been writing so now you want to edit and for this I would recommend using paper palal or even journey. a but paper palal is also a really good one that you can integrate onto your word document so here you can see that I’ve got my payer palal app open up and I’ve also written my essay now so I’ve got this full essay um which actually is missing references but let’s ignore that for now and so
what I I’m going to be doing is I’m going to be asking it to do a few things so of course the number one thing is language I need to make sure that all of the language is correct there’s a lot of things are missing um and a lot of things are actually quite they’re not academically written should I say that because when I was writing it I was just kind of writing as fast as possible just getting my ideas onto paper so there’s a lot of things that could be corrected a great way of of doing that automatically
and the great thing about paper palal is that it is tailored for an academic audio and the Machine has learned through looking at academic text so the words that they use the synonyms that they use is your find you’ll definitely see they are academic based synonyms um so one of the things I wanted to do was the introduction when I wrote it I didn’t really love how it sounded so one of the things that you can do is you can say to make it sound more academic so if you go here to co-pilot you can say make
academic and what it would do is it make it sound more academic for you which is fantastic love that oh look at that that sounds so much better make sure that you reference everything so I’m going to add reference there to remind me to add it later um you can also trim text I there was one section down here that was a little bit too long so what you can do is you can go trim and you can trim it to make it a little bit shorter and you know last minute you just need to cut down 100 words or 50 words and you’re just stuck
this is really cool cuz it actually maintains the meaning of your text and it just gets rid of some words within it so uh you’ll find that this is really helpful place amazing nice and the last few things I thought I’d mention but this is something extra is you can add a title if you want you can add um an abstract keywords so many different things that you can do using the paper PW tool so I hope that was helpful to actually visualize and see how I were to actually write an essay um from the point where I’m just researching finding
information gathering as much resources as I possibly can you really don’t have to use so many AI Tools in fact you don’t have to use any of them you can just stay as traditional as possible but if you do want to maybe help speed up the process or make it more efficient or pull out papers that you may not have already found or generate outlines for you if you’re struggling with something like that then this is definitely a great way of doing it I hope you found this useful and if you did like.

essay with AI

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